When Luis is not composing or performing he holds master classes for all ages and levels
in regards to instrument making out of organic materials or clay. Days and dates for classes will
be posted here as well as where, when and how to sign up for these classes.
The workshops on construction of musical instruments native to Mexico include;
organic materials and/or clay.
Sessions are absolutely hands on and very dynamic, they are designed for children
between 8 and 16 years old and/or adults.
Some of the materials used are; different types of gourds,
wild reeds, animal bones, [when available]
deer antlers, [when available] wood, [twigs, branches etc.]
and other elements used in ornamentation such as;
feathers, animal bone beads, natural string, "ixtle" and acrylic colors.
Through the workshops science topics are explored;
Biology, Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Linguistics, Geography, Zoology, Geometry, Math. and much more...
Art plays a fundamental part on the process, particularly design and paint based on the exploration of ancient pictographs
and petroglyphs. Youth and adults learn how to construct and play instruments such as; water drums, rasps, trumpets, rattles
and flutes. They learn the history and use of instruments and songs in native Mexican languages.
The instruments made during these workshops are of ethnographic background and are still in use throughout some native
communities of Mexico.
The construction of musical instruments in clay are designed for youth between 15 and/or 18 years old and adults.
These workshops focus on the great variety of "aerophones" and "idiophones" or wind and percussion instruments
of Pre-Columbian origin particularly representative of the area known as Mesoamerica.
History and archaeology play an important role during the workshops.
Participants get to see actual Pre-Hispanic artifacts representative of the different civilizations and periods
of time from the Early Pre-Classic period to the Late Post-Classic.This instruments are part of my private collection.
These workshops require people who have basic training on clay and are interested in understanding the physics of sound.
The workshops need to be divided in sessions constructing wind instruments and other sessions focused on percussion,
when available a division of idiophones can be explored too, that is membranophones or drums that use animal skins.
These workshops require of a space where a kiln is available but is conditions allow, a primitive fire pit can be built,
this way the process will conclude by firing using the same ancient methods during Pre- Columbian times.
Color can be added to the finished pieces, this is mineral oxides as they were used in Mesoamerica and not vitrification.
Due to the numerous aerophones the workshops begin with the understanding of how sound behaves and the making
of a basic whistle, as this evolves, participants can take advance workshops that will allow them to explore more
complex wind instruments based on the engineering techniques involved.
in regards to instrument making out of organic materials or clay. Days and dates for classes will
be posted here as well as where, when and how to sign up for these classes.
The workshops on construction of musical instruments native to Mexico include;
organic materials and/or clay.
Sessions are absolutely hands on and very dynamic, they are designed for children
between 8 and 16 years old and/or adults.
Some of the materials used are; different types of gourds,
wild reeds, animal bones, [when available]
deer antlers, [when available] wood, [twigs, branches etc.]
and other elements used in ornamentation such as;
feathers, animal bone beads, natural string, "ixtle" and acrylic colors.
Through the workshops science topics are explored;
Biology, Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Linguistics, Geography, Zoology, Geometry, Math. and much more...
Art plays a fundamental part on the process, particularly design and paint based on the exploration of ancient pictographs
and petroglyphs. Youth and adults learn how to construct and play instruments such as; water drums, rasps, trumpets, rattles
and flutes. They learn the history and use of instruments and songs in native Mexican languages.
The instruments made during these workshops are of ethnographic background and are still in use throughout some native
communities of Mexico.
The construction of musical instruments in clay are designed for youth between 15 and/or 18 years old and adults.
These workshops focus on the great variety of "aerophones" and "idiophones" or wind and percussion instruments
of Pre-Columbian origin particularly representative of the area known as Mesoamerica.
History and archaeology play an important role during the workshops.
Participants get to see actual Pre-Hispanic artifacts representative of the different civilizations and periods
of time from the Early Pre-Classic period to the Late Post-Classic.This instruments are part of my private collection.
These workshops require people who have basic training on clay and are interested in understanding the physics of sound.
The workshops need to be divided in sessions constructing wind instruments and other sessions focused on percussion,
when available a division of idiophones can be explored too, that is membranophones or drums that use animal skins.
These workshops require of a space where a kiln is available but is conditions allow, a primitive fire pit can be built,
this way the process will conclude by firing using the same ancient methods during Pre- Columbian times.
Color can be added to the finished pieces, this is mineral oxides as they were used in Mesoamerica and not vitrification.
Due to the numerous aerophones the workshops begin with the understanding of how sound behaves and the making
of a basic whistle, as this evolves, participants can take advance workshops that will allow them to explore more
complex wind instruments based on the engineering techniques involved.